1. android studio run error ... module
sol ) F4를 누르면 Module Setting이 나오는데 거기서 아래와 같이 셋팅을 한다.
I fixed this by adding facets in Module settings. They were missing. right click on project > open Module settings > Facets > Add facets ( "+" sign at the top ) > Android. After adding facets you will have modules.
For latest version of gradle, Facets have been removed, you can directly add modules now. right click on project > open Module settings > Add module ( "+" sign at the top ) > Phone and Tablet Application (Now you can create a new module and configure it).
( stackoverflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18368748/android-studio-module-wont-show-up-in-edit-configuration )
2. android studio run error please select android sdk
I encountered this error after installing Intellij IDEA Ultimate 14.1 and opening an existing Android project I had created using Android Studio. It turns out I just had to add the Android SDK to my list of SDKs and fix the project/module SDK settings. This is how I did it:
Go to File -> Project Structure
. Click on the Project tab under Project Settings. Under Project SDK click on New -> Android SDK
Now select the existing directory for your Android SDK. In my case it was in this folder:
( stackoverflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21070268/intellij-idea-13-error-please-select-android-sdk )